sheltery vpn

Privacy Policy

By using ShelteryVPN (hereinafter, the Application and also referred to as our, us, and we), you automatically agree to this Privacy Policy. This document explains how our application processes users’ data. If you do not agree to any term of the current version of the Privacy Policy, you should delete it from your device immediately.
However, it is worth knowing that ShelteryVPN neither collects, uses, nor discloses personal data. Personal Data contains pieces of information that may be used to identify the individual. It may include username, age, gender, country, photo, etc. Only in case a user decides to contact us, we have the right to use any provided by them information.

Besides personal data, several more types of data may be used by various apps. ShelteryVPNavoids collecting non-personal data as well. These are the pieces of information such as IP address, hardware model, operating system version, etc.
Payment data consists of information about users’ debit and credit cards. Even though we have premium services, ShelteryVPN neither requests nor collects any of users' payment information.
The last type of data to discuss is cookies. They collect small amounts of information for traffic analysis only and do not contain personal details. We do not need to use cookies as well.

Third-party networks
To change the path your device follows to surf the internet, ShelteryVPN uses routing. This method helps you to avoid limitations and visit any sites without restrictions. However, your traffic may pass through third-party networks that are not under our control. In this case third-party may receive access to your IP address or the data you use in the Application. But third parties will not be able to access your data anyway.

We strictly follow our obligations to protect users’ data entrusted to us. Therefore, we implement all the necessary measures to ensure the security of your personal information. However, you should be aware that nothing is perfectly safe on the internet. Taking into account the nature of communications and information processing technology, we have to warn you that ShelteryVPNcannot guarantee that personal data will be safe from intrusion by others.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
We ask you to check this document once in a while to be aware of implemented amendments. ShelteryVPN has the right to introduce any required changes to this Privacy Policy without prior notice or users’ permission. By keep using ShelteryVPN, you confirm your agreement with this document. If it’s not so, you’re required to deactivate your account.

Privacy Policy

By using ShelteryVPN (hereinafter, the Application and also referred to as our, us, and we), you automatically agree to this Privacy Policy. This document explains how our application processes users’ data. If you do not agree to any term of the current version of the Privacy Policy, you should delete it from your device immediately.
However, it is worth knowing that ShelteryVPN neither collects, uses, nor discloses personal data. Personal Data contains pieces of information that may be used to identify the individual. It may include username, age, gender, country, photo, etc. Only in case a user decides to contact us, we have the right to use any provided by them information.

Besides personal data, several more types of data may be used by various apps. ShelteryVPNavoids collecting non-personal data as well. These are the pieces of information such as IP address, hardware model, operating system version, etc.
Payment data consists of information about users’ debit and credit cards. Even though we have premium services, ShelteryVPN neither requests nor collects any of users' payment information.
The last type of data to discuss is cookies. They collect small amounts of information for traffic analysis only and do not contain personal details. We do not need to use cookies as well.

Third-party networks
To change the path your device follows to surf the internet, ShelteryVPN uses routing. This method helps you to avoid limitations and visit any sites without restrictions. However, your traffic may pass through third-party networks that are not under our control. In this case third-party may receive access to your IP address or the data you use in the Application. But third parties will not be able to access your data anyway.

We strictly follow our obligations to protect users’ data entrusted to us. Therefore, we implement all the necessary measures to ensure the security of your personal information. However, you should be aware that nothing is perfectly safe on the internet. Taking into account the nature of communications and information processing technology, we have to warn you that ShelteryVPNcannot guarantee that personal data will be safe from intrusion by others.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
We ask you to check this document once in a while to be aware of implemented amendments. ShelteryVPN has the right to introduce any required changes to this Privacy Policy without prior notice or users’ permission. By keep using ShelteryVPN, you confirm your agreement with this document. If it’s not so, you’re required to deactivate your account.